GCCCE Policies and Guidelines

Peer Review

GCCCE goes through a rigorous peer review process. All articles must be submitted online by the authors according to the required format, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through the GCCCE and GCSCE websites.

The editorial board of GCCCE consists of experts in the field who are responsible for overseeing the submission, review, and publication process of conference papers. Their roles include:

  • Selecting Reviewers: Qualified reviewers are chosen to assess the quality and validity of submissions.
  • Managing Reviews: Ensuring reviews are conducted fairly, objectively, and in a timely manner.
  • Making Publication Decisions: Based on feedback, deciding on acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  • Ensuring Quality: Maintaining high academic standards by selecting quality submissions.

Peer Review Process

  1. Submission: Papers are submitted through the designated system, following guidelines.
  2. Initial Evaluation: Editorial board checks if the submission meets basic requirements.
  3. Peer Review: Experts assess the paper’s quality, originality, and relevance.
  4. Review Feedback: Detailed feedback is provided to authors for improvement.
  5. Decision Making: Based on feedback, the editorial board decides on acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  6. Author Notification: Authors are informed of decisions with reviewers’ comments.
  7. Final Decision: Revised papers may undergo a second review before final acceptance.
  8. Publication: Accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings and presented.


Authors retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Completion of the Transfer of Copyright Agreement transfers rights to the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE).

Open Access

All articles published by GCCCE are freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication.

Policy on Authorship and Contributorship

Authorship is limited to contributors who made significant contributions to the study’s conception, design, execution, or interpretation.

Handle Complaints and Appeals

The Editors-in-Chief will form a committee to address complaints. Appeals are referred to GCSCE for final decisions.

Handle Allegations of Research Misconduct

The journal follows COPE guidelines to address cases of suspected misconduct (COPE guidelines).

Policy on Conflicts of Interest

Authors must declare all financial and non-financial competing interests. If none, they must state “The authors declare no competing interests.”

Policy on Data Sharing and Reproducibility

Authors need to specify where supporting data can be found or provide a reason for non-disclosure if data sharing is not applicable.

Policy on Ethical Oversight

Authors should confirm ethics approval for research involving human subjects, detailing the ethics committee and reference number.

Policy on Intellectual Property

Publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Options for Post-Publication Discussions

Post-publication discussions are allowed through letters to the editor.

Policy on Corrections and Retractions

Corrections or retractions will be published with a note linked to the original article, ensuring transparency and integrity.

Policy for Scholarly Integrity

The Editors-in-Chief may request underlying data for verification if concerns about scholarly integrity arise. Cases of misconduct are reported to authors’ institutions.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Peer Review

GCCCE goes through a rigorous peer review process. All articles must be submitted online by the authors according to the required format, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through the GCCCE and GCSCE websites.

The editorial board of GCCCE consists of experts in the field who are responsible for overseeing the submission, review, and publication process of conference papers. Their roles include the following:

  • Selecting Reviewers: The editorial board selects qualified reviewers (often experts in the same field) to assess the quality and validity of the submissions.
  • Managing Reviews: They manage the peer review process, ensuring that reviews are conducted fairly, objectively, and in a timely manner.
  • Making Publication Decisions: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial board makes decisions on whether to accept, revise, or reject submissions.
  • Ensuring Quality: They ensure that the conference maintains high academic standards by selecting quality submissions for presentation and publication.

The peer review process for GCCCE papers typically involves the following steps:

  • Submission: Authors submit their papers to the conference through the designated submission system, following the conference guidelines and templates.
  • Initial Evaluation: The editorial board conducts an initial evaluation to check if the submission meets the basic requirements and scope of the conference.
  • Peer Review: The submission is sent to reviewers who are experts in the field. Reviewers assess the paper’s quality, originality, significance, methodology, and relevance to the conference theme.
  • Review Feedback: Reviewers provide detailed feedback to the authors, including suggestions for improvement or requests for clarification.
  • Decision Making: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial board makes a decision on whether to accept the paper as is, accept with revisions, or reject it.
  • Author Notification: Authors are informed of the decision along with reviewers’ comments. If revisions are requested, authors are given a timeline to submit a revised version.
  • Final Decision: After revisions (if any), the paper may undergo a second round of review before a final decision is made on acceptance.
  • Publication: Accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference either as oral presentations or posters.


Authors of articles published in GCCCE proceedings retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Completion and submission of the Transfer of Copyright Agreement transfers to the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (“GCSCE”), copyright holder for the GCCCE Proceedings.

Open Access

All articles published by the GCCCE are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

Policy on Authorship and Contributorship

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study in the manuscript. Authors should ensure all contributing co-authors are included in the manuscript.

Handle Complaints and Appeals

The Editors-in-Chief will form a committee (excluding the one who is handling the submission receiving the complaint) to handle the authors’ complaint and make a decision. Further appeals will be referred to GCSCE for the final decision.

Handle Allegations of Research Misconduct

The journal takes seriously all allegations of potential misconduct. The journal will follow the COPE guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/misconduct) outlining how to deal with cases of suspected misconduct.

Policy on Conflicts of Interest

The authors need to declare all financial and non-financial competing interests. If it is not applicable, the authors need to make a statement such as “The authors declare that they have no competing interests” in the acknowledgment section of the article.

Policy on Data Sharing and Reproducibility

The authors need to detail where the data supporting the authors’ findings can be found. If authors do not wish to share their data, they need to state that data will not be shared, and state the reason. If it is not applicable, the authors need to indicate “Not applicable.”

Policy on Ethical Oversight

The authors need to provide a statement detailing how they received ethics approval for research involving human participants, human material, or human data – performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by an appropriate ethics committee. The statement should include the name of the ethics committee and the reference number where appropriate. If a study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the name of the ethics committee that granted the exemption).

Policy on Intellectual Property

The publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Options for Post-Publication Discussions

Post-publication discussions are allowed through letters to the editor.

Policy on Corrections and Retractions

Corrections to, or retractions of, published articles will be made by publishing a Correction or a Retraction note bidirectionally linked to the original article. Any alterations to the original article will be described in the note. The original article remains in the public domain and the subsequent Correction or Retraction will be indexed.

Policy for Ensuring Integrity

Any questions regarding the integrity of the scholarly literature (including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication) raised during or after the peer review process will be referred to the Editors-in-Chief. The Editors-in-Chief may request (anonymized) underlying study data from the authors for inspection or verification. If the original data cannot be produced, the manuscript may be rejected or, in the case of a published article, retracted. Cases of suspected misconduct will be reported to the authors’ institutions.

年份 主辦大學 會議主題 論文集
GCCCE2023 北京師範大學 人機互聯:未來智能教育 下載
GCCCE2022 台灣清華大學、上海華東師範大學、香港教育大學 共同舉辦 邁向數位學習的新常態 下載
GCCCE2021 香港教育大學、北京師範大學、臺灣師範大學、南洋理工大學國立教育學院 共同舉辦 計算機教育應用的重新想象 下載
GCCCE2020 西北師範大學 技術賦能教育創新與變革 下載
GCCCE2019 華中師範大學 科技人文的前瞻智慧 下載
GCCCE2018 華南師範大學 從“教育創新”到“創新教育” 下載
GCCCE2017 北京師範大學 “互聯網+”時代的教育變革 下載
GCCCE2016 香港教育學院 大數據時代的學與教 下載
GCCCE2015 中央大學 21世紀關鍵能力 下載
GCCCE2014 華東師範大學 智能技術,智慧學習:教育技術的新景觀 下載
GCCCE2013 北京大學 知行合一, 融會創新 下載
GCCCE2012 台南大學 全球社群, 雲端學習 下載
GCCCE2011 浙江大學 資訊技術促進教育創新 下載
GCCCE2010 南洋理工大學 邁向知識建構的新紀元 下載
GCCCE2009 台灣師範大學 華人世界數位合作與推廣 下載
GCCCE2008 密歇根州立大學 信息技術與教育全球化 下載
GCCCE2007 華南師範大學 多學科交叉視野下的資訊技術與教育應用研究 下載
GCCCE2006 北京清華大學 信息技術教育應用研究與實踐 下載
GCCCE2005 楊百翰大學夏威夷分校 Beyond Hardware and Software: The Effective Use of Technology in Instruction 下載
GCCCE2004 香港中文大學 資訊科技教育:何去何從 下載
GCCCE2001 中央大學 開創華文網路世界 下載